Since the start of LGB this popular tank car has had many editions.  These tank cars became desired collectors items.  Some of the product numbers are:
4040B, 4040C, 4040,E, 40409, 4040L, 4040S, 40402, 40406, 41403, 41405, 41406, 4240, 42400, 41407, 43400, 44400

Many common parts are here in our warehouse. Other parts reside in a German warehouse at Modell- Land, whom we exclusively represent in the US. We have regularly consolidated shipments of these parts. However, you need to be patient, because shipment times due to a variety of circumstances can be 4-8 weeks. These parts are hard to find and many of them - when sold - will be no longer available. All parts are loose parts and don't come in any original Maerklin/LGB® packaging.  

To have a most recent overview of which parts are available for this car - please click here:
Available parts for two axle tank car

Once you see your needed parts (or even if you don't see them), send us an email to: or call us 508-529-9166

For access to the explosion diagram - please click here:
4040.pdf  4040-1.pdf 
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:In Stock
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:In Stock