This was a very popular LGB boxcar, produced in to basic forms, with and without a platform, with and without the breakman house.  Here are some of the LGB production numbers:
LGB 4035, LGB 4031, LGB 4026, LGB 4028, LGB 44353, LGB 42260, LGB 40260, LGB 42313, LGB 40290, LGB 42350, LGB 43352, LGB 43260, LGB 40265, LGB 41350, LGB 42280, LGB 45260, LGB 40280, LGB 47280, LGB 47350, LGB 41310, LGB 42320, LGB 40280 

Many common parts are here in our warehouse. Other parts reside in a German warehouse at Modell- Land, whom we exclusively represent in the US. We have regularly consolidated shipments of these parts. However, you need to be patient, because shipment times due to a variety of circumstances can be 4-8 weeks. These parts are hard to find and many of them - when sold - will be no longer available. All parts are loose parts and don't come in any original Maerklin/LGB® packaging.  

To have a most recent overview of which parts are available for this car - please click here:
Available parts for Boxcar

Once you see your needed parts (or even if you don't see them(, send us an email to: or call us 508-529-9166

For access to the explosion diagram - please click here:
4031.pdf  4026.pdf  4028.pdf
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks
Weight:0.2 lbs
Availability:Ships in 4 - 8 weeks